Dustings #119
/Ooh boy. This past week has been a little weird. Coming off a month of long days working on the next book, I feel like my internal metronome is completely screwed up. When you’re working 12-14 hours a day on something, and then you go back to a more standard “work day” it feels like you’re on a break. Even when you’re not at all on a break. Like, I woke up Monday and felt like I should be wearing this shirt:
But in reality, I had a full normal week of work ahead of me. It was weird.
At any rate, thanks for your patience during my month off.
My favorite artist, Mort Künstler, passed away this week at a hearty 97 years old. That link goes to an old post where I put up some of my favorite of his works.
Coincidentally, Mort’s art is the inspiration for the next book cover which is going to be dope.
The new edition of Magic: The Complete Course by Joshua Jay is out now. If you know of a beginner in magic (or just like beginner magic books yourself) this is a good, modern introduction to the subject.
And it will look less embarrassing on your shelf than the original cover.
Poor Josh. It’s got to be rough when the publishing company is like, “Hey, you know what’s no longer a selling point for this book? Your fucking face.”
I’m bummed too because I actually took that photo for the original cover. It was a weird day. Josh was in a terrible mood. We shot for hours, but nothing really popped. Finally, I said, “Josh, I want you to imagine this. Andi Gladwin is in front of you and just dropped his deck all over the floor. He’s bending over to pick it up and his fat ass is right in your face.” Immediately, the sparkle was in Josh’s eyes and his hands went into that “gimme, gimme” position. The rest, as they say, is history.
Speaking of JJ. I have no idea why I bought the URL
last year and had it redirect to Vanishing Inc.
But regardless, I’ve been informed this will only work for a couple of more days. I won’t be paying $31.16 to keep this going. So update your bookmarks!