Dustings #112

As most of you know by now, the Vanishing Inc warehouse was wiped out by a fire last week. No one was hurt. And the response from everyone affected has been fairly positive and optimistic given the circumstances. So you may expect me to come here and take the situation lightly. Especially given the fact that I’ve been suggesting for a decade that the “business relationship” between Josh and Andi is only a cover for something else.

You probably expect me to say, "fire investigators have conclusively determined that the fire originated from a spark caused by the friction of one biological entity being repeatedly thrust into another with what they describe as 'impressive vigor.'"

C’mon, guys. Now's not the time for such things.

Although Murphy’s Magic may not have my sense of decorum. As Sean P. pointed out to me, look what’s on their “new releases”…


At any rate, make sure you’re on Vanishing Inc’s mailing list or follow their blog to keep up with the best ways to support them as they rebuild.

Bouncing headphones, a fun little idea with Distracted Artist potential from Javier Fuenmayor. Full details can be found here…

If you ever do a trick with a gimmicked Sharpie and you get called out by your spectator afterward for using a “trick marker,” just do this… Reach into your pocket and say, “You’re right. It’s not a normal Sharpie. You caught me.”

Then pull out one of these self-defense Sharpies, uncap it, and stab them in the fucking neck.
